Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Archive - "No Smoking" & "Aliens"


No Smoking
Are you a smoker? Have you ever smoked? I am a smoker, yes I will freely admit I am addicted to smoking .However I do my addiction out in the open, not behind closed doors. Addiction is a disease and it is tough to over come any addiction, be it drinking, gambling, shopping, eating, ect. I am fully aware that it is not a heathly addiction, health wise, but I am over 21 and have free will to do to myself as I please. That said, I do however have an issue with peole who are complete strangers coming up to me telling me, You are going to die if yiou don't quit that habbit!.Yes, this has happened to me, when I was hairdressing and would go outside for a cig, complete strangers would come and offer all sorts ao advice and nasty comments about my smoking. I really do not think they were sincere in their concern for my health, but rather enjoyed pushing their opions on another person, sort of a power trip. i do not recall the last time I have witnessed someone go up to a drinker, or gamler or obese person and start spouting their opinions of their addiction to these people. People need to get off the No smokin train and let persons over 21 make up their own decsions. I have tried to quit many times and am still trying, but addiction is a fierce fight. I do mine out in the open, some people gambil in secret online, are addicted to porn in secret, eat and perge themselves, go shopping and hide thier purchases in the closet. I am out of the closet and admit I have a nasty habit, but please be respectful and mind your own damn business. Thanks for your concern but keep your nasty comments to yourself, as Bambis' mother said, "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all"!.
Posted by charlie at 1:11 PM 2 comments Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Google Buzz

Do you believe in Aliens. I do. Even crazier than that I would like to be abducted by them. Why? because I think they have some splainin to do Lucy. Aliens have been mutilating farm animals(cows to be exact) and abducting humans since 1952, according to a book I read recently the US Government has had an agreement with the Aliens that they can abduct animals, and humans for experimentation in exchange for their higher technology. They could have asked us first! If Iwas abducted I would have some questions for them such as, do they believe in God, how long do they live, where do they live, how do they live?As far as experiements and anal prooding, well I say, You first! Why all the mystery, we know they are here so why not let it be know to us all. Would the Government lose their hold on us concerning energy and resourses such as, gas and electricity, is that their motivation for such secrecy. Secret documents however are starting to see the light of day, and the public is more than interested, as some of the internet forums suggest. I for one am in favor of complete disclosure from the governments and the Aliens themselves. What do you think?

Monday, January 24, 2011

The Death Penalty

OK here we go, let's talk about the death penalty. Reading an article in the newspaper the other day, I was shocked at the statistics of Canadians FOR the death penalty. An astounding 62% of Canadians are in favor of the death penalty. As you can see from my reaction, I am opposed to the death penalty.WHY? Because I am not Barbaric! If you look at the calender it reads 2011, and I feel we should have evolved from King Henry the VIII erra of chopping peoples heads off! Graphic expression intended. If you are truly passionate about this topic look up the number of cases in Canada and the US alone to find out how many people have been vindicated of being wrongfuly accused of murder, and some are still under going trying for an appeal, it might surprise you. An obvious case is the man from Manitoba,David Milgard, who spent I believe over 20 years in jail for a murder he was later found innocent of. Think about it for a minute, 20 years is a long time and if he would have received the dealth penalty at the time he was convicted he would be chopped liver by now!Have you ever seen a movie where someone has been framed or set up for a murder they did not commit, of course you have, but that's just a movie RIGHT? Well what if it happened to you or someone you loved, like your son or daughter? You might think this is unlikely to happened to you, well I suggest you watch the movie "The life of David Gale", and see if it shines a little perspective on the matter.Something that strikes me as very hypacritical is the stats that show people who are FOR the death penalty are Opposed to abortion! I think in general these people lack compassion. Compassion is very complex I know, but think for a moment how many of these people who are truly guilty of the crime of murder, are they really in their right mind?? From a book I read on profiling serial killers and pedifiles, the author suggests they are physcopaths, and phsycopaths lack a concience and can never be rehabilitated. My point on this fact is that they may not be completely able to comprehend physcologically what the consequences of their actions, horrific as they are, encompess, until they land in the slammer, however are they remorseful, no. More than likely they are born this way, lacking a sense of moral and social values, the point is as human beings we should be able to evolve into intelligent forward thinking beings, not acting as they did in ancient times, with stoning, hanging, guilitine head chopping,gassing,poisoning,firering squad, means of punishment.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Health Care System in Alberta

When I had my babies in the 1980's the health care system was great,the hospital and nurses were excellent. With my son I stayed in the hospital for 5 days. In those days they would not let you and baby go home til all was right with both mother and child. Now-a-days they send you home the next day, whether you are ready or not. Why has it changed? Some people in the government have really screwed things up concerning the whole system, especially concerning hospital stays, wait times in emergency, and the process of getting any kind of surgery procedure done. My mother for instance had to have her knees scraped a few years back, but by the time she got to her appointment her knees were so bad she ended up having to have knee replacement surgery instead,so much for wait times.I wonder if this happens to the politicians and the Doctors mothers too!Do they get put at the front of the line? I'm thinking yes, they probably do.I'm wondering why more people are not complaing about our health care system. Why are we letting these people make important descions that concern our most prescious commodity(our bodies) and not saying anything when they obviously are srewing things up? Let's make some noise people and get some well deserved changes made for all concerned, after all the government and the Doctors are working for us, are they not.If people in other lines of work do a poor job they get fired don't they.Bottom line, let's get pro active out there people.!!!